meet our team
We come from a diverse set of experiences and backgrounds that make our team particular.
As unique as we are individually, we share a mutual passion for running, sports and help others. We pride ourselves on share a message of integration, equality, and kindness within our community
Get to know the talented individuals who power Nirvana Project!
Aldo Amenta
Adapted Runner
"I suffered an accident that changed my life completely. After throwing myself in a shallow pool..."
Franklin Mejias
Adapted Runner / Writer
"...los doctores tuvieron que amputar mis manos y gran parte de mis piernas...."
Juan Vitto
Adapted Runner
"Nací con Espina Bífida (...) mi condición no la he tomado como la gran cosa, sino más bien y esto lo digo con..."
Zoe Rodríguez
Adapted Runner
"Sufrió 3 infartos cerebrales(ACVs), eso atrasó todo el proceso, nos llegaron hasta decir que ella no iba a sobrevivir..."
Christian Valle
Adapted Runner / Writer
"...God gave me a second chance to give back and show my gratitude to those who will fight side by side with me...."
Francisco Reinoso
Adapted Runner
"Después de mi accidente la vida me dio un vuelco de 360 grados poniéndome en una situación muy difícil..."
Sergio Robelto
Adapted Runner
"I got into a motorcycle accident. I suffered a mild concussion and that’s the reason I can not remember..."
Claudia Miraz
Adapted Runner
Board Director
"I have a condition called Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenital in two or more areas in the body..."
Josue Moreno
Adapted Runner / Swimmer
"..I accidentally touched a live electrical wire, that resulted in an electrical burn over almost 40% of my body..."
Yoberly Zambrano
Adapted Runner
Co-Founder/Board Director
"At the age of 17, I was involved in a car accident that left me paralyzed from the neck down..."
Carlos Bienes
Runner Volunteer
Triatleta de alto rendimiento y dedicado voluntario llevando nuestra bandera de #MasAccionesPositivasMenosEgo
Daniel Sámano
Runner Volunteer
"As I always say to Lilly: “Look closely, you are the one pushing me”.
Thanks to Nirvana, running has now become part of my regular activities and a way to share smiles. This group of people– volunteers and adapted runners – take me beyond science and medicine, they remind me of the small things that truly worth living for."
Marilyn Hoyos
Runner Volunteer
"Assisting them while accomplishing their goals of taking part in our local running events is an incredible feeling!"
Monica Rizo
Runner Volunteer
"Not only was it uplifting to see the satisfaction and smiles on their faces, but to share this among everyone on the team was priceless..."
Carlos Figueroa
Runner Volunteer
Nirvana Project Co-Founder
"We were always looking for ways to help others but we couldn’t find something that we felt identified with.."
Maggie Mencos
Runner Volunteer
"No hay nada en este mundo que uno se proponga y no lo pueda realizar, si uno tiene la actitud y el deseo de hacerlo..."
Martha Hidalgo
Runner Volunteer
"Ha sido mi deseo el poder algún día contribuir a la felicidad y alegría de aquellos que no tienen..."
Osman Altamirano
Runner Volunteer
Hace un tiempo me inicie en el deporte debido al sobrepeso por largas horas de trabajo y mucha inestabilidad...
Javier Vital
Runner Volunteer
"They are not just regular athletes but special athletes with great and fun motivation..."
Mariangel Roca
Runner Volunteer
"To assist an athlete to achieve his/hers own dream and cross the finish line... is priceless!!"
Mia Figueroa
Runner Volunteer
" I feel happy running with all of them as a family..."
Ruth Paladino-Figueroa
Runner Volunteer
Nirvana Project Founder/Board Director
"Me di cuenta que cuando la fuerza del espíritu vence lo que crees inalcanzable, todo es posible..."